A Forgotten Man
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Drama, R, 29-Sep-2022
At the end of World War Two, a Swiss diplomat (Michael Neueschwander) is burdened with guilt about a young man who he did nothing to help, in this chillingly intense historical drama, based on the life of controversial Swiss diplomat Hans Frolicher. Beautifully shot in black and white, A Forgotten Man features a tremendous central performance from Neuenschwander as Heinrich Zwygart, an ambitious, respected family man, whose world starts to crumble in front of the audience's eyes. The film unfolds like a mystery - who is the young man who is haunting Zwygart? What does his daughter’s new boyfriend want from him? Will he resign his position as he has been asked to do, or has he something else planned? And can one ever be truly ‘neutral’? It makes for a gripping and nerve-wracking experience, made all the more prescient when watched in the light of current tumultuous world events.
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